zaterdag 21 maart 2015

etching feeling

I've broken my personal record by drawing five illustrations in one day, last Wednesday. I went into a bit of a shock when being told they had to be finished that very day. The assignment was already given to me several days before but I had been under the impression there was no rush whatsoever. Which there was. Apparently. So, five drawings on science.. 

I certainly couldn't have done it without my man who remained perfectly calm and reminded me of nineteenth century engravings depicting scientific tableaux. In that manner I'd just have to draw one image piling up all issues that were discussed in the article, and then provide each item separately. I started working, and did so until deep into the night, and I'm more pleased with the result then I dared hope for. I'm not too familiar with using merely black, beyond designing icons, but I think I quite managed to nail the etching-feeling.

So once again, I couldn't have done it without my man with the plan ( Lots of credits go to him. It's real helpful having an artist around. Not in the least because he took my boy to the fairground all afternoon..

And here, some examples I found on the internet and used for inspiration:

2 opmerkingen:

  1. hoi! Ik zag je illustraties in de volkskrant en kwam zo op je blog terecht. Ik vind ze erg mooi, ze komen ambachtelijk over, maar ik leid af van de bio op je website dat je vooral digitaal werkt? Kan je me uitleggen hoe je deze hebt gemaakt? Alvast vriendelijk bedankt, zonnige groetjes uit Gent van een student grafisch ontwerpen:)
